
Themes & Logos

Whether it’s an international sales meeting or a franchise convention, every business meeting has a message to deliver. We help to deliver that message by tailoring the look and feel of the videos, the staging, and the presentations to a specific theme.

The theme can reflect the location of the meeting, such as a cowboy western in Arizona, an ancient civilization in the Atlantis Resort in the Bahamas, or a seafaring odyssey on a cruise ship.

Some themes can simply be fun… imagine your executives as race car drivers and the support staff as a NASCAR pit crew to help motivate the team to accelerate your sales to new levels.

And whether you want a space exploration theme to push your attendees to new heights, or invoke the image of fighter pilots to defeat the competition, every meeting theme needs a professionally designed logo.

Have you considered all the ways a meeting logo is used? Here’s a very short list of meeting logo uses:
•  Invitations
•  Hotel direction signs in the hotel
•  Powerpoint presentations
•  Meeting videos – meeting opener, walk-in videos, meeting highlights videos, and more
•  Name badges
•  Agendas and printed support material
•  Take home items such as stationary, USB drives, shirts, carry bags, and more.

All these things help to reinforce your message and make your event more memorable.

Aranco Productions has years of design experience and we can craft the perfect logo to match your memorable theme.

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